The 2022 Final Matric Timetable Has Been Finalised

The Matric final exams of 2022 timetable that was released earlier this year has been confirmed as the official complete timetable. You can view the timetable here:

May/June 2022 NSC Exam Timetable
May/June 2022 NSC Exam Timetable

How Can I Pass Matric?

There are many things you can do to make sure you pass your Matric, but one of the best things you can do is study past papers. 

Past papers help you understand how questions are structured, and how to structure your answers in the best way to get the best marks. Studying using Matric past papers and their memorandums will help you understand what the exam markers are looking for. 

You can find a wide range of past papers and exam resources available in many subjects from 2008 all the way to 2021 for both Department of Basic Education papers and IEB papers on our site. 

There are language papers available in a wide range of languages, and there are many other subjects available. These are free to download and use, all you need is a device and data to download them.

When Can I Register For Matric 2022?

  • Registration for the Matric exams of 2022 are closed, but you can register with Matric College for any of our Matric programmes to complete your Matric in May/June 2023. There are three Matric programmes: 

    Adult Matric – for students 21 and older who have not written Matric before 
  • Matric Upgrade – for students 21 and older who have written Matric and would like to improve their results, whether they failed and would like to pass, or they passed but are unsatisfied with their results
  • Matric Rewrite – for students under 21 who have written Matric and would like to improve their results, whether they failed and would like to pass, or they passed but are unsatisfied with their results

Matric College is a reputable distance learning college that offers a range of courses that you can study through distance learning, including these Matric programmes to help you get your Matric or further your studies with or without Matric. 

Here is what you need: 

For Adult Matric: 

  • You need to understand, read and write in Afrikaans or English
  • You must have completed Grade 9 or an equivalent, such as ABET level 4

For Matric Upgrade: 

  • You must be 21 or older to write the exams (you may apply as early as 19)
  • You must be able to understand, read and write in English
  • You must have written Matric before

For Matric Rewrite: 

  • You must be under 21
  • You must be able to understand, read and write in English
  • You must have written Matric before

For all three, you need to be comfortable with distance learning, as all of these courses are offered online only. 

How Do I Know If I Am Registered For A Matric Rewrite?

You will know if you are registered for a Matric Rewrite if you:

Always ensure that you have not missed any important information on your registration form, and contact the DBE if you are not sure whether you are registered.

Is The Matric Rewrite Registration Still Open For 2022?

No, Matric Rewrite exams are written in May/June of each year, and registration for these exams closes in February each year. However, you can register with Matric College any time, and you can complete your Matric Rewrite in 2023.

Can I Rewrite My Matric In November 2022?

No, you cannot rewrite your Matric in November. Rewrite exams are held only in May/June each year. The final Matric exams in November are only for school-leaving Matric students. However, you can register with Matric College for a Matric Rewrite any time, as our registration never closes.

How Many Times Can I Rewrite Matric?

You may rewrite your Matric as many times as you would like to at Matric College. There is no limit to the number of times you can rewrite, as long as you are still under the age of 21.

Can I Upgrade My Matric Results?

Yes, you can upgrade your Matric results as long as you are 21 or older. If you are under 21, you can rewrite your Matric instead. 

You may upgrade a maximum of four subjects. You can also choose to change four of your subjects instead. If you do a Matric Rewrite, you may also rewrite a maximum of four subjects. However, you cannot change any of your subjects for a Matric Rewrite.

Can You Do Matric In 3 Months?

No, you cannot complete your Matric in three months. Matric will take a minimum of one year to complete, and if you do an Adult Matric it can take up to three years to complete. This is because you must write six subjects for an Adult Matric, and you can choose to spread out your subjects: 

  • You can take all six subjects in one year and complete your Matric in one year
  • You can take three subjects per year for two years and complete your Matric in two years
  • You can take two subjects per year for three years and complete your Matric in three years

However, if you have already written your Matric, you can do a Matric Rewrite. You can apply for the exams in January/February and write the exams in May/June. This will allow you to complete your Matric in under six months.

Can I Write My Matric Online?

No, you cannot write your Matric online. However, you can study for your Matric online through distance learning with a reputable distance learning college, such as Matric College.

What Can I Do If I Have Failed Matric?

If you fail Matric at the end of high school, you can:

This will not drastically change your marks. To see the best improvement on your marks, you should consider completing a Matric Upgrade Course because you can redo the subject or subjects entirely.

Author: Chloe Bydawell
Editor: Sive Ncanywa
Date: July 28, 2022

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