Consider Your Options:
While waiting for your Matric results can feel like you are being kept on your toes, remember that there are always more options, should your results not be what you expected. You can:
- Apply for a rewrite if you have not passed
- Take a gap year
- Apply for courses that do not require Matric
Apply for a matric rewrite:
Applying for a matric rewrite will give you extra time to study and really work on the areas you felt you could have done better in. You could get a tutor, or attend extra lessons to help.
Take a gap year:
Taking a gap year can mean many things. You could use this time to volunteer in your area and get experience to put on your CV, or you could use the time to travel, see things you would love to see before you enter the working world. Or, you could use this time to discover yourself, and find what you really want to do before making life-long decisions.
Apply for courses that do not require Matric:
There are many places that offer courses for you to study that do not require you to have completed or passed Matric. Some of these places are:
- Bellview Institute of Distance Learning
- Skills Academy
- Matric College
Some courses offered that do not require Matric are:
- Adult Matric: Amended Senior Certificate
- Bookkeeping: ICB FET Certificate
- Bookkeeping: ICB National Certificate
- Small Business Financial Management: ICB National Certificate
- Matric Upgrade: Amended Senior Certificate
These courses only require you to have passed up to Grade 10 or Grade 11, and some courses can help you get your Matric.

Advice for Matriculants Worrying about Matric Results
Advice for Matriculants Worrying about Matric Results
The long wait for matric results can create a lot of worry and fear. In these moments of worry, it is important to remember that no matter the outcome of your results, you will always have various career options to choose from.
Consider all your options
Matric is important but it is not the most important thing. This means that if you do not pass your matric it is not the end of the world. You still have many options that you can choose from.
Disappointing matric results don’t mean a less promising future
There are courses that you can study online at matric college that do not require a matric certificate. All you need is to know how to read and write in English. You can study without matric at the following institutions.
The Bellview Institute of Distance learning
The Bellview Institute of Distance Learning is a QCTO accredited college. The Bellview Institute of Distance Learning offers a variety of courses that you can choose from.
Matric college
Matric college is a distance learning institution that specializes in helping people get their matric. Matric college does not only offer matric courses but, matric college has also created opportunities for you to study further without matric.
The learning group
The Learning Group is an institution that is highly suitable for you if you are a creative. With courses ranging from digital photography to wedding planning, you are bound to find something that suits you.
A gap year can be beneficial in the long run
If you take a gap year, you can use that time to self-reflect and discover what you truly want to do. During that year, you could volunteer, travel, job shadow a professional or you could simply try to find yourself instead of rushing into a decision that you are not ready for.
Anxious about your matric results? Here’s how to cope
Remain positive
Your mindset plays a huge role in your health and your overall productivity. It is important that you find ways to remain positive, even when it seems impossible. Being positive will help you ease the worry about exam results.
Strategies to ensure successful matric results
Take care of your mental health
In every aspect of your life, whether it concerns matric or not, taking care of your mental health must be a priority to you. If you ever feel that your mental wellbeing is not 100% ok, then it is important that you seek help.
The South African Depression and Anxiety Group(SADAG) is an organization that aims at assisting individuals with depression and anxiety.
For counselling queries email: [email protected]
To contact a counsellor between 8am-8pm Monday to Sunday,
Call: 011 234 4837 / Fax number: 011 234 8182
For a suicidal Emergency contact us on 0800 567 567
24hr Helpline 0800 456
Study smarter, not longer
Those all nighters are only going to make you tired the next day. Make sure you study well in advance and take enough breaks to make sure that you are processing information properly.
Create a study schedule
A study schedule is one of the most important study tools that an individual can use. A study schedule will help you manage your time and you will be able to account for every hour of your day.
Commit to your goals
Use your goals as a reminder. Remember why you are doing this and that should surely motivate you.
Use past papers and memorandums
Past exam papers and memorandums are very useful in assessing yourself. Past papers will help you evaluate how much you know and identify the areas that you struggle with.
Always start with the easy-mark questions first
When you start with the sections that are easier for you to understand, you will have more time for the sections that you struggle with.
Have confidence in yourself
Building your confidence will help you not to doubt yourself. Even if your results come back and they aren’t so great, when you have confidence in yourself it will be easier to pick yourself up.
Author: Chloe Bydawell
Editor: Chloe Bydawell
Date Published: February, 2, 2022